It was a wonderful 6-day workshop in the Bavarian Forest for me. Thank you for this special seminar! The 6 days were intense, warm, incredibly honest and very enriching for the daily interaction between human and horse and between humans. The horses made it clear that a good relationship always requires a good energy connection. It is not possible without it. Without an energetic exchange of information, everything becomes exhausting. With this conscious energy between us, everything becomes obvious and easy.
You have taught us that this “WE”-feeling gives both horse and human the opportunity to grow rather than adapting, bending, fighting or giving up. In your lessons, it has become clear that horses are conscious every second and that they read our energy signals and perceive every tiny body language movement. That makes us more alert and alive. And I want to continue to “train” for myself – because I know, this presence, this love heals everything! It was also important for me to learn with which body movements, thoughts, etc., one can lead and move horses without violence. I wanted to go to a seminar from someone who shows that it is also possible to handle a horse without violence, pressure and punishment. Thank you so much for giving us answers, how this actually works! I think it’s great that you have shown us the related body exercises, for example, to make the pelvis more flexible, which is a topic for many women anyway. It has become clear that we have to come more into our softness to lead well. I can also transfer this to my private relationship. The seminar was topped off by all practical exercises on the horse and also by the observations of the other horses/women. I could take a lot home from these 6 days. Eye-opening is also the distinction of handling a mare or stallion/gelding. It does indeed make a lot of sense, but still, nobody teaches or talks about it.