
Online Seminar 1 “Basic Knowledge” (For Beginners)

Original price was: 129,00€.Current price is: 111,00€. incl. VAT

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Delivery Time: ca. 24 hours
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All subsequent online seminars build on the online seminar 1 “Basic knowledge”.

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Course information and registration

  • Description

    Our online seminar footage is located on a subpage of our website, to which you will get access once payment is completed. This access has no time restriction, thus you can learn independently according to our own time schedule. This also means you can work with the online seminar for years.

  • Content

    Part 1

    The three communication levels of the horse and their psychological significance for the horse. How our unconscious behavior manifests itself not only in the way we handle horses but one also recognizes the same patterns in our private life, at work, in the family and all relationships. Why we need to understand the function of vibrancy and energy, so that we do not permanently run through the natural microstructure of the horse and thus emotionally blunting it.

    Part 2

    How and why you can develop your personality with your horse and with Chi Horsing in the fastest way. The horse as a measuring device for our inner balance. Ways to a fulfilled life and dignified handling of your horse through body and energy awareness. You will find out which gift horses possess to guide us to peaceful concepts if it is seen and recognized in its behavior from the perspective of Chi Horsing and the complex knowledge of Far Eastern teachings.

    Part 3

    Body language and empathy in the relationship building between man and horse. Conditioning or authentic and mindful communication and the significant difference for the development of the horse and their human. Learning through pain to form obedient beings, as a too simple and outdated education system that originated from past generations and which we often still pass on unconsciously and self-destructively. The practical example of hoof cleaning shows how already in this small instance, the horse can uncover through many little incompetent movements the destructive patterns in the way its owner lives his/her life; and how this can create potentially dangerous situations in handling the horse.

  • Total running time

    5 Hours, 14 Minutes

  • Price

    111,- € incl. 19% VAT. (instead of 129,- € before)

  • Important basics for chi horsing

    Chi Horsing is not a handling or training method for horses, but is a very individual way and describes a relationship between man and horse based on communication, equivalent and completely non-violent relationship between human and horse. To build this relationship, it requires important basic knowledge of horse psychology and body language. Furthermore, knowledge about working with energy, the understanding of the laws of nature and how they permanently apply with cause and effect is required.

    All this is taught here in this online seminar 1 “Basic Knowledge”. Therefore, this online seminar 1 is always mandatory for participating in our beginner’s seminars and other offers – it is also mandatory if you are interested in our other online seminars.

    Our experience of recent years has shown that students without the knowledge of the basics and context of Chi Horsing sometimes simply apply things without understanding the basics – and then Chi Horsing does not work and the horse can become quite dangerous. Please understand this online seminar 1 “Basic Knowledge” as a kind of “driving license” that allows you to continue working with it.

    Basically, we recommend when working with our online seminars (and especially for students who learn Chi Horsing exclusively with the help of online seminar) to book “in sequence.” That is, first the online seminar 1 “Basic Knowledge”, followed by online seminar 2 “Advanced Knowledge,” then online seminar 3 “Matter and Energy Part 1” before online seminar 4 “Matter and Energy Part 2”. The reason is simple: information from one seminar builds upon the previous one, especially concerning the subject of body language training in humans. The intention here is to teach people to provided horses always with exactly the signals it will understand naturally, instinctively.

    If you are more interested in the actual horse language and you would like to have more “words” of the horse language translated first and study how this language is then reflected in the smallest detail in the daily contact with humans, you can continue with online seminar 3 “Matter and Energy Part 1” after studying online seminar 1 “Basic knowledge” and study or skip online seminar 2 “Advanced knowledge” thereafter.


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